
Landscaping & More

Water Management for Landscaping – Made Simple

We know that maintaining lush and inviting public open spaces, parks and ovals, and golf greens while making them available for recreational use, is a challenge for even the most experienced irrigation management team. SWAN Systems can help you easily and effortlessly manage this process, resulting in the most cost-effective outcome for you, while providing green, inviting landscapes for your community.

SWAN Systems uses the latest technology to help you to:

Better Utilise Scarce
Water Supplies

Maintain Amenity By Balancing Irrigation Needs With Activity Use

Balance park irrigation needs with activity use

Reduce Water And
Energy Costs

Precisely Plan And Manage Your Inputs

Using SWAN Systems to assist you in managing your irrigation needs will enable you to optimise irrigation schedules around planned use, improve water efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain high-quality green spaces.

oval irrigation system

Strong healthy plants require less water to maintain their vigour, saving you water and money, while keeping your landscape and plants healthy. You will be able to provide your customers and your community with better quality amenities for less water resources, and less cost.

How It Works

SWAN Systems School, Oval & Park Irrigation Systems

The Dashboard – Your Data Portal

SWAN Systems is the only software available that enables you to combine all your water and nutrient management needs in the one package.

In addition, SWAN Systems will be able to talk to your existing hardware sensors, so you will not need to replace current telemetry systems.

SWAN Systems has a range of features that will make managing your irrigation enterprise easier.

Oval and park irrigation system dashboard
Save water with SWAN Systems oval irrigation system

Save Water

Lower costs with SWAN Systems park irrigation system

Lower Costs

Improve quality with SWAN Systems oval irrigation system

Improve Public Amenities

Want to learn more? Get in touch with our experienced schools and oval irrigation team today.

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